From concept designs to maintenance, we can provide everything you need for your garden.
StoneworkDry-stacked stone work has been used throughout the world for many centuries to build houses, walls, staircases and bridges. Many of them still stand, hundreds of years later. Dry stacked stonework is done without the use of mortar or glue to bind the rocks. Carefully selected stones are knitted together using a time-tested technique that forms an interlocking, load bearing structure that lasts for hundreds of years. Read more...
Dragonfly Ponds
Stone FountainsThe Stone Seed Fountains and Sculptures that we create at Mariposa are made of dry stacked stone, built using no mortar or glue. Our stone seed features are either free stacked or smoothed down with a grinder. The dimensions of each of our stone seed features are set according to the Golden Mean proportions. The Golden Mean is a mathematical proportion, found all over in nature, in seeds, in shells, in eggs, in flowers and in trees. As a fountain feature, butterflies and birds are easily able to access water.Stone Fountains
License #1038752
Mariposa Gardening & Design
Address: 2323 Broadway Oakland, CA 94612 Mailing Address: PO Box 24072 Oakland, CA 94623 [email protected] |